Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My 12.5months milestones

These are my current hobbies:

1) Getting my fingers/hands/feet stuck in tiny holes and then crying for help
2) Treating anything and everything like a drum
3) Throwing things down from my cot so that Mummy will pick them up and return to me (and then the cycle repeats itself)
4) Riding my tricycle
5) Playing catching with Mummy or Granny before/after my evening bath when my diapers are OFF (I've realised that they hate it when I dash off to sit on their pillows after they pull my pants off... I wonder why??? ....)
6) "Xia-ing" people - Boy, is this game fun. Works like this - you give me something, and then I will PRETEND that I want to offer it back to you. When you reach out to take it I will PULL IT BACK! Fun right??!!

These are my current inclinations:

1) Waking up from my afternoon nap in tears when I don't see Mummy
2) Staring down people who try to put me in my place
3) Bursting into tears when I'm scolded
4) Pointing at things (But Mummy still can't figure out whether I'm actually pointing with meaning)
5) Patting Papa on his shoulder/arm to get his attention
6) Vocalizing - mummum, mama, papa

These are my new tricks over the past week:

1) Sucking from straw mug (I just picked this up yesterday - YEA!) and then attempting to put the cover back after finishing with the mug
2) Using various objects - basically anything that moves when pushed and is at the right height - as walkers (Mummy is quite hopeful that within this month I will start walking)
3) Picking up Gerber puffs from my snack container (1 at a time) and putting them in my mouth (before this week I mainly threw them on the floor whenever Mummy asks me to pick one up. I only eat them when Mummy puts them in my mouth)
4) Trying to put things in containers (shape sorter - watch out! Here I come!)

These are things that Mummy wants to help me learn/develop over the next couple of months:

1) Building up enough confidence to stand/take first steps alone
2) Learning to play with my shape sorter purposefully
3) Learning to open and close my straw mug so that I can help myself to water whenever I want
4) Trying out egg and chicken (at last!!!!)
5) Eating more textured foods (not so much porridge)

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