My birthday was a rather sad occasion this year... Mummy originally planned a playdate at Fidgets with Isaiah didi, as well as a visit to a kindergarten she's been eyeing for me to go to next year. Unfortunately the plans were derailed when I began running a high fever on Monday night. By the following evening, the telltale spots were spotted on the soles of my feet and in my mouth - HFMD! Bug ran around in my family because of our big family reunion the week before.
So I was confined at home on my big day, but the good thing was that i got to spend the whole day with Mummy (Mummy originally planned a half-day leave only). Cake plans went unchanged - Mummy still bought me an Elmo cake, which I dipped my finger into very excitedly when I saw it. Papa couldn't be around for the cake-cutting as he had classes to attend, so I cut my cake with Mummy, Granny and Ah Gu.
Mummy let me put on my adorable sunsuit from Teapony (which she wishes she had bought more of, and hopes Auntie Daphne would organize a BP on again).
So. I am now two and counting. I am speaking more now although I'm not very articulate, but Mummy is relieved that I seem to be attempting to speak more. I uttered my first 3-syllable word last week ("Ele...phant!") and am also trying to make sentences in Chinese. I can count to 10, skipping 5-8 in the process (Mummy: I don't care. It means she can still count to 10, just that she likes to fastforward a bit. She says "1, 2, 3, 4, 9,10!" So there!). Not too bad la huh.

Imitating Elmo's sitting position

I'm smiling, but too bad it's in the wrong direction. But Mummy, at least I smiled, right???!!!

Mummy's favourite picture of the lot - Cheeky Claire and Granny dearest.

Blowing out the candles on my birthday cake for the very first time!

Cake-cutting with Mummy
And Mummy's wishes for me in the coming year?
1) That I'll continue to be happy and stay healthy;
2) That I'll learn more about the big big world;
3) That I'll be able to get a place in a good kindergarten.