Mummy has been eyeing this toy for the past 2 weeks... since one of Mummy's friends from SMH talked about it. She took one look at it at Robinson's on Wednesday during lunchtime, and promptly fell in love, hahaha. So on Thursday evening she dragged Papa to Taka to get it for me! Mummy hopes that I will be able to practise and improve on my motor skills with this new toy, as she thinks I'm developing a little slower compared to other babies my age (Aiya, Kimi, why you spoil market? Wakakkakakakkakakaka). This table has soooooo many different types of activities for me to do, and it plays sooooo many nice sounds and songs also. I LOVE IT!

Caught in the act exploring my new toy toy!
Close up of the toy for my friends who are interested
Flashing lights! Music! Many different types of activities! What more could a babe ask for?
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