Hello everyone! Here's my contribution to the gym fad - my very own home fitness routine! It all started when Mummy laughed at me for being too fat (boo hoo hoo!!!)... so I decided to do a little exercise to try to slim down. Hopefully I will soon be as slim and chio as my chio chio cousin Arianne jiejie (who by the way turns 1 on Tuesday - happy birthday cousin!) or my chio chio friend Ah Des (who now has her very own blog and her very own cute gorgor - Ah Des, can you give me your gorgor? I want! hahahahaha).... Ok, so now we move on to the topic of the day - a 'live' demo of Claire's fitness routine.

Ready? Ok, first lie tummy down on the bed.
Use your feet to push the ground so that your butt goes skyhigh! Oh, and push the ground with your hands too!
And now, lower your knees to the ground!
Stay in this position for 3 seconds.
AH-TISH-SHOO... And all fall down! Well done!!! You are now a wee bit slimmer!
P/S: Mummy hopes this is a prelude to me learning how to crawl. By the way, right now I can only stay in position, I can't move. hahahahhahaha
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