There. You can't see me now, right? RIGHT?
There. You can't see me now, right? RIGHT?
I had grandiose plans to nurse her till she self-weaned; in a way I succeeded as she did wean off on her own, but part of me still feels like a failure because I still can't believe that any baby would willingly wean off the breast at 22 months old. Here I am, willing to nurse for as long as she wanted, and the silly girl weans herself before she even turns 2! I keep thinking about what else i could have done to provide for her longer, and every time she falls sick i feel guilty (coincidentally, she has been falling sick regularly in the past 2 months).
OK, so amidst the tears and overwhelming sadness, I know there is a lot I should be thankful for:
1. That I was at least successful at full breastfeeding for about 1 year, and supplemented breastfeeding for about 22 months. For that, I have to thank my husband, mother, lactation consultant, understanding bosses, and supportive friends like my big friend SK, who was a great source of inspiration and motivation and started me off on this breastfeeding journey;
2. That my wonderful baby took to the breast from the start and seldom gave me breast rejection problems, and also that after the first month, she stuck to a schedule of nursing once a night, and stopped nursing during the night when she turned 8 months old;
3. That despite the regularity that blocked ducts plagued me, I never had a case of mastitis;
4. Lastly, that the pain of weaning is borne by me and not by Claire, rather than the other way round. I have read the experiences of other mums who had to wean their babies off, and if I had to do that to Claire I think it would really break my heart. As it is, she is happily adjusted and (I like to think!) emotionally-secure.
I shall just try to keep the points above in mind, and hold on to the wonderful memories I have of nursing Claire. Memories like this one:
The first nursing experience - within the first hour of birth. The nurse had to help me hold Claire because my other arm was still on drip due to my condition (excessive bleeding), hahaha.
To all mums out there striving to do full breastfeeding: You can do it! It's a long long journey and frequently painful, especially during the first few months (you won't believe how many tears I shed over the pain of blocked ducts, which I rate as worse than labour pains), but knowing that you were the main source of nutrients for your baby - wow, I just can't describe how good that makes you feel. :)
Mummy thought Papa was going to take a nice picture of us, but NOPE, he was merely trying out his new camera *rolls eyes*. See the blur figure behind Mummy? Papa was trying to do the journalistic thing, as usual.
Playing during free play time. I'm obsessed with this toy and I never fail to grab it when it's free. Mummy's trying to get me interested in the puzzles and other toys, but nope, I'm one faithful gal.
Oh, and in case you are wondering why we did so little during our class, it's just that Mummy was not able to capture photos of every part of class, as she was alone with me. So she didn't capture photos of storytelling, singing hello, and zoophonics (which incidentally, I missed. Because food is always more important. Hahahahahhahaha)
I hope to see all my classmates again next term!
Ok, the reason for no updates is that Mummy is going through a very difficult time at work at the present, and looks set to be doing so for the next 6 months. So unfortunately she often has little to no time as well as little to no mood to do regular updates. But she says she'll try because she doesn't want my growing times to just fly past without records....
How am I doing?
Physical development: Currently I'm walking quite well and quite fast. I also like to do a lot of squatting (??!!). My grandaunt was very surprised when she saw me squatting the other day and even more amused to hear that I squat rather than sit most of the time.
Speech: I can say 'xie zi' - Chinese for shoes, gougou - Chinese for dogs, maomao - Chinese for cats. However, I have a penchant for calling my neighbour's dog 'Kitty'. It's annoyed poor old Cookie so much that she no longer responds when I go to her door and call for her. Well, you can't blame a dog for being on her dignity, right? I also say 'please' when I want something done for me REAL badly, but it comes out like 'teas' 'seas'... various permutations. I also say 'ba' when I want to be carried, and 'baobao' and pat my tummy, when I am full. I'm definitely Chinese-speaking; if you speak to me in English I do not always understand.
Social Development: Oh yes I lean towards the social butterfly side. just today Papa and Mummy brought me to NYNY in Lot 1 and the staff there fell in love with me. They brought me all over the place (Mummy was very pleased about the unexpected free babysitting that allowed her to eat in peace for once) and even gave me ICE CREAM. But the downside is Papa and Mummy worry that I'm a prime kidnap candidate as I am a most willing victim. Oh well, you can't have it all. Oh, and I say 'hi' and 'bye' quite happily too.
More updates coming up later as I have to be bathed now...
Big accomplishment! I can feed myself without creating a mess!
Oooo.... isn't the ceiling high....
YEA! I've mastered the art of balancing!